Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Vision Board

Vision Boards.  I heard about these a little over a year ago.  I was never big into Oprah or similar shows, and no one I knew was really talking about them, so I had no idea what they were or what the purpose was.  A vision board is a way to use the "laws of attraction" to make things happen in your life.  You get a board and put pictures or words that represent things you want out of life.

I started w/ this plain cork message board I bought at Walmart like a year ago. (Yeah, that's how long it took me to get this thing moving.)  I thought it was too plain. I wanted it to be happy and colorful, because I need happy and colorful right now.  So I covered it with scrapbook paper.  Sparkly, colorful, girly scrapbook paper.  And added a blingy sticker.  To me the hard part was finding pictures or sayings that represented what I want.  I'm still not 100% done with it.  I had to go through SO many magazines.  (Between my parents and I we have subscriptions to Essence, Ebony, O, Men's Health, Ladies Home Journal and Prevention.)  I actually printed a couple of things that I knew I wouldn't find in any magazine.

Things represented on my board: getting my DVM, money (financial security, stability, debt management), marriage and family (meaning babies), health (spiritual, mental and physical) and weight loss, new car and house.  I didn't put anything related to friends and family on there because honestly, that's a pretty good part of my life.  I have awesome friends and family.  Even if they get on my nerves occasionally I couldn't ask for better.  I also need to find something to represent travel.  Because that's something I want to be able to do.

Here's some pics of what I have so far:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Crazy + Racism + A Book...

So here are some excerpts from Pat Buchanan's book.  I'm not going to comment, I just wanted to share.  You make up your own mind about what you think about it.  I just think that someone needs to take his dementia meds.

12 Pretty Racist or Just Crazy Quotes from Pat Buchanan's Book

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Uterus, My Property... Trespassers Shall be Shot

My uterus is angry.  Why? Because politicians keep trying to control her.  Right now I don't want a baby in my uterus, why the hell would I want a damn law maker in it?

Today the House of Representatives passed the "Protect Life Act."  If you guessed that this has something to do with abortion, you are correct.  What do you win for guessing correctly? If you are a woman and want to buy private insurance to pay for your abortion needs, that's a no-go.  And if you are pregnant, and that fetus poses some health risk to you, and you are on your death bed a doctor gets to say that they will NOT perform an abortion to save your life, because that fetus is more important, even though if you die, that fetus damn sure won't live.  (Scientifically a fetus is not a life during the time that it is legal to have an abortion mainly because it wouldn't survive outside of the uterus, but I digress.)  I don't see how anyone thinks that it is okay to say "you may be currently bleeding to death, or suffering some other life-threatening issue due to this fetus, but I refuse to save your life because I think abortion is wrong."  I can understand not wanting federal money spent on abortions (Although if a woman who is on medicaid is raped, I don't see why that abortion couldn't be covered, but again, I digress.)

Why does this issue piss me off so much? First, if you believe in abortion, or not, if it's not your uterus, it's not your damn business!  Another reason is because many of the opponents of abortion are men, who will never carry a child in their womb.  Until they can grow a uterus, anyone with a penis should step away from this issue and have a seat.  A third reason is the position of the parties.  Many of the pro-lifers are Rethuglicans Republicans.  You are so big on saving lives but you won't hesitate executing people.  If life is precious, life is precious.  You can't pick and choose (unless you are a republican, apparently.)  I don't believe that people should use abortions as their form of birth control, but sometimes things happen, and if you recognize that you aren't ready to raise a child, you should be able to decide not to do so.  There are tons of kids in this country waiting to be adopted-- why add to that? And Lord knows the repubs aren't going to come out of their pockets to help clothe, feed, diaper or educate the babies they are trying to force people to have.

The bottom line is this: A woman's decisions about her reproductive choices belong to her, and no one else.  So politicians, and anyone else trying to tell a woman to have a baby, not to have a baby, not to have more babies, or to have babies before they are ready should just shut the hell up already!